Next we went to the Joyful lunch period at the University. It is a time where we got to share fellowship with fellow Christians on the campus by having lunch with them. This was really cool because I got to talk with other Christians from Japan which I haven't been able to do.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
4th Day on Campus
Next we went to the Joyful lunch period at the University. It is a time where we got to share fellowship with fellow Christians on the campus by having lunch with them. This was really cool because I got to talk with other Christians from Japan which I haven't been able to do.
Friday, May 29, 2009
3rd Day on Campus
So on Thursday I went to Hitotsubashi again and had a really good time. I ended up eating lunch with Yuuta, who I had met the day previous. I was with Gen and Yuuta seemed to be having a good time. He was teaching me how to use chop sticks and even gave me a piece of his tofu. Later on Soshi ended up joining us so I thought that was really cool because I had been praying earlier that I would meet them again so that I would be able to get their contact information. So this time I was able to talk to them more and was even ble to get their emails this time. Soshi even wanted to hang out later so I thought this could be a really great opportunity to share the Gospel with him.
Later on I went with Kylan again. He wanted to talk to this guy who was smoking but I didn't really want to talk to him because he was smoking and I don't really like talking to people while they are smoking. But we ended up going anyway and found out that this fourth year was a Christian. Saying that less than 1% of Japanese people claim that they are Christain I found this really encouraging. We told him about Student Impact, the Christian Ministry here in Japan, and prayed for him. I felt like he was really encouraged by how we prayed for him and that really changed the whole feeling of the conversation. He seemed to be much more interested in meeting another day and we were able to get his email. I was really encouraged this day and was really thankful for how God can provide. :)
Later on I went with Kylan again. He wanted to talk to this guy who was smoking but I didn't really want to talk to him because he was smoking and I don't really like talking to people while they are smoking. But we ended up going anyway and found out that this fourth year was a Christian. Saying that less than 1% of Japanese people claim that they are Christain I found this really encouraging. We told him about Student Impact, the Christian Ministry here in Japan, and prayed for him. I felt like he was really encouraged by how we prayed for him and that really changed the whole feeling of the conversation. He seemed to be much more interested in meeting another day and we were able to get his email. I was really encouraged this day and was really thankful for how God can provide. :)
2nd Day on Campus
Alright so this was my second day on campus and I went to the same university I went to the day before. Hitotsubashi or something like that... haha. Anyway, wednesday I ended up starting up in the cafeteria. I saw someone who was sitting by themselves who looked my age. I was looking for another 18 year old because the day previous to that I met only fourth years and I wanted to talk to someone my age since I thought we would have more to talk about. So when I went up to the guy and asked if I could sit with him I found out that he was indeed 18 years old. haha. So me and Andrew, who also goes to USC were talking to this guy and he seemed to be really interested in talking to us. We were talking for about 40 min and then he had to leave because he had a meeting to attend. He couldn't understand us totally but we were able to keep a decent conversation. When I asked if he wanted to give us an email so we could meet again he said he didn't have an email so I ended up giving him mine. Hopefully he will end up emailing me back and he's interested in talking with Andrew and I.
So later Andrew and I met up with Jeremy who ate lunch with the whole Lacrosse Team and was going to practice with them around 2pm. So Andrew and I decided to tag along. At 2pm all three of us met up with about 5 lacrosse players and we walked to an area off of campus. On the way there I was talking to two freshmen who were named Soshi and Yuuta. They were pretty fun to talk to and Soshi was able to speak English pretty well. When we arrived we saw that there were about 20 other lacrosse players on the field and they were really impressed that Jeremy had played Lacrosse, the goalie position, for 12 years I think. So he ended up playing the goalie while all of the other 20 lacrosse players were trying to make a goal. Andrew and I ended up talking to the 4 people who were on the female lacrosse team and found someone who spoke really good English. She had studied in America for three years so that was really fun talking. I met some of the other guys too but I don't remember the conversations... So I thought this was a really great day because I wanted to meet people my age and ended up meeting one guy at lunch and a whole lacrosse team that was my age.
So later Andrew and I met up with Jeremy who ate lunch with the whole Lacrosse Team and was going to practice with them around 2pm. So Andrew and I decided to tag along. At 2pm all three of us met up with about 5 lacrosse players and we walked to an area off of campus. On the way there I was talking to two freshmen who were named Soshi and Yuuta. They were pretty fun to talk to and Soshi was able to speak English pretty well. When we arrived we saw that there were about 20 other lacrosse players on the field and they were really impressed that Jeremy had played Lacrosse, the goalie position, for 12 years I think. So he ended up playing the goalie while all of the other 20 lacrosse players were trying to make a goal. Andrew and I ended up talking to the 4 people who were on the female lacrosse team and found someone who spoke really good English. She had studied in America for three years so that was really fun talking. I met some of the other guys too but I don't remember the conversations... So I thought this was a really great day because I wanted to meet people my age and ended up meeting one guy at lunch and a whole lacrosse team that was my age.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
1st Day on Campus
So Tuesday was our first day going to our designated campuses. My team of 7 went to Hitotsubashi and the other team of 8 went to International Christian University (Just because they go to this school does not make them christian.) So it took about 40 min to arrive their by train I think. Everybody in Tokyo uses the train to go from one place to another in Tokyo. Tokyo is really big and I haven't even left Tokyo since I've arrived in Tokyo 5 days ago. Anyway, I went out with my friend Kylan as we split up into groups of about two. Kylan had actually gone to this school a year ago when he did study abroad for UC Berkeley. We started out at the dining hall where Kylan saw someone that he had met before. The two were talking for about 30-45 min. This was a really cool experience as this was my first real interaction with a Japanese college student.
After this conversation we went back inside the dining hall because I was still hungry and wanted to eat more chicken. So we both went inside and I got more chicken but instead of rice I got french fries! :) I went up the cash register and put down my notebook to get out all of my japanese coins. When I finally found enough yen (Japanese money), I went over to get some water. It was at this point that a Japanese student came up to me and handed me my notebook as a I had left it at the cash register. I then responded with the correct response, Arigato Gozimasu. (That means "thank you" in Japanese... haha) So Kylan said that we should go sit with him so that's exactly what we did. At first, talking to Tomita Kouhei wasn't going so well because he couldn't understand everything I was saying but then Kylan ended up translating which was really cool. (Kylan studied Japanese at UC Berkeley). Kylan was able to tell him about the Christian Ministry that we are working with in Tokyo and why we pray before our meal. He said that he gives thanks for his food before he eats because the food, such as chicken, use to be an animal. This was a really cool opportunity to tell him why we pray and who we pray to. Also, while talking to him I realized I had many similarities with Tomita Kouhei. We were both from small towns of about the same population, we both travel about 6 hours to go to our University, we both use the train to get back home, we both like to run, we both like to run around the track, and we have both wanted to run in a marathon in the city we attend college but never got the chance. So I thought this was really cool so I asked if he would ever like to go running with me around the track. He said yes and gave me his email. I'm really excited to meet him again next week if it's possible!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
In Tokyo
Hey Everybody,
So I arrived in Tokyo about three days ago and it's just been an amazing experience. This is my first time overseas and it was a really cool experience just going on a plane ride for about eleven hours I think. I was able to watch two Japanese movies with English Subtitles so I would able to learn about the Japanese culture. After we arrived in Japan it was pretty hot. Well I guess it wasn't that hot but it just felt hot because it was humid. Yeah so I slept pretty early that day as I was up for practically twenty-four hours. Yeah I know, that's really unlike me. And the next day I spent most of my time exploring and getting to know the three people I will be living with for the next five weeks. That was a really great day just to see the area I'm living around and just explore the Japanese culture.
The next day, Monday, my team and I got to meet up with the ministry in Japan called Student Impact. It was great meeting them and just being able to see how excited they were that all seventeen of us were here. I also got to meet some people that are in ministry here that are originally from Taiwan. So I got to speak some Chinese with them which was a really cool experience as I know about fifteen phrases! Ni Hao! (that's how you say Hello) I also got to do a scavenger hunt yesturday. The scavenger hunt took place in Shibuya, which is basically the New York of Tokyo in my opinion. That was really fun and I even got to eat some octopus. So that was really cool because I was chewing for it for about 45 minutes.
That was really chewy! And Today was great but I'm going to write about it later because I'm really tired! haha! See ya! Kinda... haha. I will also add pictures soon. Maybe tomorrow. haha!
So I arrived in Tokyo about three days ago and it's just been an amazing experience. This is my first time overseas and it was a really cool experience just going on a plane ride for about eleven hours I think. I was able to watch two Japanese movies with English Subtitles so I would able to learn about the Japanese culture. After we arrived in Japan it was pretty hot. Well I guess it wasn't that hot but it just felt hot because it was humid. Yeah so I slept pretty early that day as I was up for practically twenty-four hours. Yeah I know, that's really unlike me. And the next day I spent most of my time exploring and getting to know the three people I will be living with for the next five weeks. That was a really great day just to see the area I'm living around and just explore the Japanese culture.
The next day, Monday, my team and I got to meet up with the ministry in Japan called Student Impact. It was great meeting them and just being able to see how excited they were that all seventeen of us were here. I also got to meet some people that are in ministry here that are originally from Taiwan. So I got to speak some Chinese with them which was a really cool experience as I know about fifteen phrases! Ni Hao! (that's how you say Hello) I also got to do a scavenger hunt yesturday. The scavenger hunt took place in Shibuya, which is basically the New York of Tokyo in my opinion. That was really fun and I even got to eat some octopus. So that was really cool because I was chewing for it for about 45 minutes.
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