Hello Everybody! Alright so I'm about to tell you the best day I have had on campus so far I believe. This time I wasn't at Hitotsubishi but I was at Gakugei. This campus is a bit smaller so I found it easier to talk to people. I don't know... maybe that was just me. Anyway, I get to the campus and the first thing I do is get food! :) So I got a lunch box and 2 sandwitches because I didn't know which one to get so I got both! haha! Meanwhile, I was wondering whether I was suppose to cook my box or not so I decided to ask some people. I thought that would be a good conversation starter. So I asked this one guy who was in line for the microwave and he didn't really understand me so he got three other guys to come over so they could understand me. They helped me with the microwave and getting chopsticks and we were talking for a bit. I then asked if they wanted to have lunch with me but they didn't really understand and said they had to go somewhere so we said our goodbyes. Though when I told one of them I was from California they all got excited and said, "Schwarzenegger, Arnold Schwarzenegger!" and he did I really good "I'll be back!" impression of him.
we went to the Joyful lunch period at the University. It is a time where we got to share fellowship with fellow Christians on the campus by having lunch with them. This was really cool because I got to talk with other Christians from Japan which I haven't been able to do.

After this I went over with Nosuke to go to the cafeteria to find some people to talk with. I saw there were two people sitting by themselves on two different tables. One was asian and the other was a white guy. So Nosuke went over to the asian and said something and I asked him if I could sit with him. He said yes and then I asked him something else but he couldn't understand me so he asked four of his friends to come over from another table to help him understand. So I got to meet all five of the soccer players and one of them, Koji, was really funny. He starts off by saying, "My name is Koji, Passion Koji. I have Passion." He does this while beating his chest. Then two of his friends, who were female come over, and start talking with us as well. He tells me that they have a game tomorrow and say that they wish I could come but they aren't sure where it is. I then go on to repeat his name for some reason and he thinks my name is also Koji. I tell them my name and then they ask, "Passion Josh?" I then go on to say "Passion Josh" and pound my chest. This was a really fun time and we were being pretty loud too but they didn't seem to care. haha. When I tell them that I am from California, they get really excited and Koji does the same impression of Arnold S. as above. I then go on to tell them that Arnold is my uncle and they all get surprised but then I go on to say that I'm kidding. They think that's really funny. We then go on to talk for about 40 min more with a couple American and Japanese jokes. There were also some times when we were all just beating our chests saying that we have passion. I then tell them that I am here with other Americans and ask if they wanna have lunch with us. They all say yes and we establish that we are all going to have lunch on Monday at noon. So they get all excited and say our "See you next time" to eachother. This is a picture of the team.

So I later found out that day that Kylan had met three other people that day who were also from the soccer team. He was thinking about going to their last soccer game of the semester the next day, Saturday, and I thought I would go to. So we both ended up going along with our fellow roommate Jack from Arizona. It took us about an hour to get to the city by train and then an hour to get their by walking. We later decided to take the bus back to the train station since it took us such a long time to walk there... haha. So when we arrive at the soccer game there is about 25 min left in the game. We are walking to find a place to sit when I see Maki and Sachie, the two girls I met on Friday. They get really excited to see me and say that Koji is out on the field and this is actually his first game playing. (There are about 100 soccer players on the team and most of the people who play are seniors.)

So I thought it was really cool how I got to see Koji's first soccer game while this would be the only soccer game of his that would occur while I was in Japan. So they decide to yell at Koji, they called him Passion Koji, and tell him that Passion Josh is here. I try to tell them to not do that because he was currently in the middle of the game which had a score of 0-0. When the game ends they begin yelling at Koji that Josh is here and the whole team turns and looks at me. Haha... I didn't really know what to do but wave so that's what I did. Koji then comes to the gate and tells me thanks for coming to the game. Not what I expected but this was overall a good day and I couldn't wait for lunch on Monday! Also, sorry if I'm not good at explaining things very well. I've never really been good at that.
Hi Josh - My daughter's going to be going to Tokyo next month on summer project, so I thought I would check out your blog to see what's happening over there.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted you to know I'm praying for your team every day.
: )
Crusade Mom