Sunday, July 12, 2009
18th Day on Campus
So on Thursday, Kimi, Andrew and I switched teams and went over to Gaidai University. So the day started off with me going with one of my roommates, Jack! I thought this would be a really cool experience, which it was, since I didn't get to go with Jack on Monday and now I have the chance too! We started off by going to the cafeteria to get some food because I was really hungry as I skipped breakfast that morning. Jack went to go get a table since he already knew what he wanted to eat. I, on the otherhand, had no idea what I wanted to get as they had different food then the other two universities I went to. I finally found something to eat and then walked over to Jack and sat with him. There wasn't any other table that had room for us so we began eating just the two of us. But I then realized that the people at the table next to us left and then a male student came and sat at the table. I then decided to go ask him if he would like to join our table which he agreed to.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
17th Day on Campus
So on Wednesday, Jess left from our team and Tim, Sammy and Emily came over to our team. The day started out with our usual team prayer in before heading off to campus which I found to be very helpful as I was beginning to feel really tired. Wednesday was our usual English lunch so we went straight there. Ryosuke and Mizuho, who both came to the Discover Friends Party that friday, said they were coming so I was just going to meet them there. They came and we began to talk for I think was an hour. I really do enjoy talking to these too and I got to ask them about the game we played on Friday. They really seemed to enjoy it and felt that it was great that we got to talk so deeply about our lives. They were really glad to get a chance to get a Bible and were really looking forward to reading it, I think.
Next we went off to Gakugei to have Men's sports time. Two weeks ago we had it at Hitotsubashi so now we are having it at Gakugei. We got there and started to look for some people to come play with us. We didn't have much luck but I did see Akihiro, who had come to the joyful cafe 3 times. But he said that he was going to play soccer with his friends and he was sorry he couldn't join us. Though when we got to the place we were going to play Ultimate Frisbee and Soccer we found them and decided to have a soccer game with them. It was pretty awesome and they seemed to have a good time. I think they might be coming to that again and also maybe to the joyful cafe. God has been so good on this trip and has done some amazing things!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
15th Day on Campus
So this week would be a little different in a way where we would be switching over to the other team for a day to be with people we haven't worked with. I was switching on Thursday but on Monday Jack and Kyle switched over to our team while Kylan and Jeremy went over to the other team. The day started out with an English lunch where I got to see Maki, Shuhei, and others but Koji wasn't able to make it. But it was still a lot of fun and I am really grateful for God putting them all into my life at Gakugei University! Jack seemed to have such a good time at lunch as well and he was even told that he has a "great" name! Haha! Hope I get to see all of these fun people again in my lifetime! Hopefully sooner rather than later!
I then went over with Kyle and Jack to find some students to talk with but during this time I ran into Santa where I chose to talk to him by myself. We were talking for over an hour and was just a really good encouraging conversation though I wasn't able to talk a whole lot about God and the bible but I was able to have a deeper conversation then the week before! Santa is a really great guy to talk to and I was really glad that I ran into him last week!
He then went off to class and then I just went the rest of the day with Gen. It was a really encouraging conversation because I was a bit discouraged because I had not gotten into a really deep conversation that day but it was alright and I was glad to have the chance to talk to Gen. 2.5 days left at Gakugei! :(
Monday, June 15, 2009
14th Day on Campus
So Friday was a really long day! But that only made it even more amazing! :) So it started out with the 25 min train ride to Kokubunji and then the 20 min walk to campus! The day started off with an hour before English lunch would begin. Andrew and I, we were both really tired at the time, went off to search for some people to come to the English lunch. To our surprise we found Jason, a southern baptist who was doing missionary work in Japan as an intern. He told us that his team had already been kicked out of three universities in Tokyo and we then told him about how our other campus team had been told not to come back to one of the universities they were going to.
He then came to our English lunch and was able to tell one of the students about God and part of the Gospel which I thought was amazing because it was the same student had shared part of the Gospel with a week ago. I also got to meet a new student from Gakugei which was pretty sweet. He was nervous about not being able to communicate with us at first but he then began to open up and feel really comfortable.
He then had to go to class so I decided to go off with Jeremy and we ended up just prayer walking a little bit and then met up with Yusuke and Kylan for more extended prayer before we had to leave. This friday was shorter than most as we only had three hours on campus.
So then there was the Discover Friends Party. This was an outreach event where we could invite some of the Japanese students who we had met in the past three weeks.
Though most of the people I had met had sports practice, a part time job or a seminar... Ryosuke, Azuma and his friend. They were really excited to come and had a great time. I was also able to meet some of the other japanese students from the other campuses and they seemed to have had a great time also! Ryosuke seemed to have an a great time playing Soularium, which is a game where there are about 30-40 pictures and we ask a series of questions relating to life and God. It was an awesome game and I had a great time leading my group of seven. Azuma is already a christian at Hitotsubashi but the other two weren't but they ended up taking a Bible and said they wanted to meet with me next Wednesday! I'm definitely really excited about that and I can't wait to see them again! What a great ending to the week!
So then there was the Discover Friends Party. This was an outreach event where we could invite some of the Japanese students who we had met in the past three weeks.
13th Day on Campus
I then went off to talk with the Project Director, Gen, and that was a really great experience. I just got to see how much I have changed since I had entered the summer project and reflect on some things. Overall, a really great talk and definitely thankful for Gen for talking the time to meet with me. I then went off with Joe again and we went in the other cafeteria and met with a freshman. I don't really remember what we were talking about because I was really tired by the end of the day but Joe was talking for quite a while with him and they seemed to have a really good conversation. Overall, this was a pretty good day and I'm looking forward to the Discover Friend's Party on Friday!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
12th Day on Campus
I then went off to go head off to the english lunch. Everyone seemed to be in a good conversation. I joined one and the student was really funny though I was told that he had been told the Gospel the day before so that was cool. We were all talking until about two o'clock. Then we split into groups where I would then find my self being paired up with Joe. We decided to talk to someone outside of the cafeteria. We started talking about spiritual ideas and the guy was really interested in speaking about religions and stuff. He said that he had studied other religions and was interested in hearing other points of views... i think. We ended up getting his contact information and telling him about the discover friends party the upcoming friday. I really hope God will begin to work in his life.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
11th Day on Campus
We then went over to talk to a student who was sitting on a picnic bench. This guy didn't really seem to happy so I made it my job to try and make him smile. He wasn't really interested in talking about anything, I think, but I did get him to smile once but I forgot what made him do it. He flatly sad he wasn't really interested. The conversation was alright and I guess it was an experience that I needed, if you can understand.
I think we ended up talking to two more people but I'm not totally sure how those conversations went or anything. But I remember the last conversation we had which was probably the most encouraging one of the day! We went over to this guy who had been told about the gospel in some way a few days before that day. So we were all talking for a while and Kylan had known him from when he went to school at the University. We asked him if he wanted to learn more about who Jesus is and why he his so important to us. So right when I began to tell him about Jesus, Kylan's old friend from college comes up and says hi so they both go off to the side while I got to share the Gospel to someone on my own. Which was incidently my personal goal of the week! That was an awesome experience! So he ended up taking a bible and was going to go over it with his christian friend. :)
Monday, June 8, 2009
10th Day on Campus
I then decided to go for a walk for some reason... I can't remember why exactly. But I was glad I did because I then ran into my friend Yousoke and his friend Santa.
I then went with Yuki, a Christian student at the University, to go share the gospel with some students.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
9th Day on Campus
After this conversation I realized we had 20 minutes so I decided to go to the other dining hall and try to find Koji since I hadn't seen him since Monday and he couldn't come to lunch because he had class. Lucky enough, I found him sitting by himself and sat down with him. I hadn't been able to share the Gospel with him before and didn't see enough time to do so then as I only had a couple of minutes left so I decided to just talk to him about life and such. I hope that I get the chance in the near future to share the most important part of my life with him! I know I only have 5 days left at the University so I really am praying to be able to have this chance! He has soccer practice 6 days a week so he doesn't have much free time. But I enjoy talking to Koji because he's really funny! Haha!
I was also encouraged a lot by Toshi, who is pictured below.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
8th Day on Campus
So on Thursday, I went to Hitotsubashi again. I went with Kimi to the east side dining hall and then we split up because she was meeting with someone.
So I was trying to find Yuuta or Soshi but I couldn't find them in the dining hall. So I decided to sit with someone who was sitting by themselves so I got some food, really good food by the way, and sat next to this guy. I found out that he was a junior and was in a hip-hop dance club. We had a really neat conversation and I was really glad I decided to sit with someone instead of sitting by myself. He told me that he had been in the dance group for three years and that is when he began dancing. He also said that I should come to the dance group next week so I'm excited about that. I invited him to our English lunch next wednesday too but he said that he couldn't because he was going to take his girlfriend out on their first date. But he said that I definitely should come to the dance group next week. The rest of the day was fun and exciting but I didn't really get the chance to meet anyone else but I'm really thankful for who I got to meet.
7th Day on Campus
Hey Everybody! So on Wednesday I went to Hitotsubashi again. I go to this university every tuesday, wednesday and thursday while I go to Gakugei University on Monday and Friday. These Universities are all in Tokyo! So on Wednesday, my campus team had an English lunch with some of the Christians on campus as well as about three non-christians. 

That was a great time just to converse though I didn't really get to talk to the non-christians but it was great getting into a conversation with someone who was a Christian from Japan. He also liked to listen to the pastor that is the pastor of the church I got to in Los Angeles. Then I went on to go talk to a some students with Yusuke, who is pictured below.
We then sat down with Ryosuke, I forgot that I had met him the day before for a minute. But then I remembered everything and was able to get into a better conversation than I had with him before and he even played frisbee for a few minutes. Then I met with Tomita later that day with Takito, he is on staff with CCC I think, and we all went running for about three miles. Takito and I were able to tell Tomita about Student Impact here and we are planning on running next week! So that is really exciting and I can't wait to meet up with Tomita again.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
6th day on Campus
Konnichiwa! So today was a really great day for me! It started out at Hitotsubashi and I was going to be with Jeremy today. Jeremy just received his degree in Chemical Engineering from Montana State University. So the day started out with Jeremy and I going to go eat as we were both pretty hungry. We decided to sit with this guy who was sitting all by himself. He said that he had a friend that we be sitting at this table as well. He couldn’t understand English very well but we could keep a decent conversation. His friend soon came over and we found that he spoke English very well. He had studied abroad in Canada about a year ago. So we had been talking for a while and Jeremy found out that both of them played a musical instrument. One of them, Ryosuke, played the Trombone while the other, who went to Canada, use to play the trumpet but switched to the bassoon. Since I used to play the trumpet in high school I was able to talk about music. We were able to talk for about 40 min and then they had to class. We were able to discuss a little bit about Christianity but not as much as I had wished. But the Ryosuke asked if we had facebook, which we did. So we were able to exchange facebook names. haha. So hopefully next time we can elaborate more.
The rest of my time at the University was spent talking with Jeremy about a lot of things. It was a really great conversation and I was really thankful for the talk. Thanks for the encouragement Jeremy! haha. Chem-E Buddies for life! Though, I'm still not sure if I'm going to be a Chemical Engineer.
Monday, June 1, 2009
5th Day on Campus
So Today we went back to Gakugei University. These Universities are all in Tokyo by the way. Today my team consisting of Kylan, Jess, Kimi, Andrew, Jeremy, Joe and I, along with Heather, went and had lunch with Koji, Maki and everyone I met on Friday plus some others. The weather was also great too during lunch and it started raining right when lunch was over so we didn't have to stop talking!
This was a really cool lunch because we just had this big social lunch of Americans and Japanese students. Everyone got to stir up a conversation with a student from Japan and it was a great feeling just getting to see everyone get a long. I got to meet some new Japanese students as well as some new ones. This was a lot of fun and I got to know Koji and them a lot more and hopefully we will be meeting more often though he does have soccer practice six times a week (not Monday). This is a picture of Koji and I.
It seemed as though everyone had a good time and everyone was laughing a lot. I just hope we can continue to meet with all of these great Japanese students. This has been a really great time in Japan and I know that God will/is doing amazing things here. Can't wait to go to Hitotsubashi for the next three days! And I'll probably get to see all of these people in the picture on Friday! I haven't really had the chance to fully tell them about Christianity and Jesus Christ so I hope that God will give me this wonderful opportunity to share this with them!
After this I did some quiet time with God since I was feeling God leading me towards spending time with him instead of students. I think I need to set more time for God and just say that I've decided to set a time that I will spend just with God. I had a really great time with God and He has taught me so many things today. I'm looking really forward to this week and just becoming really close to God over the next four weeks. Thank you for all of your prayers! :)
Oh and here is a picture of our photographer Andrew, who took the picture above, who is also from USC!
After this I did some quiet time with God since I was feeling God leading me towards spending time with him instead of students. I think I need to set more time for God and just say that I've decided to set a time that I will spend just with God. I had a really great time with God and He has taught me so many things today. I'm looking really forward to this week and just becoming really close to God over the next four weeks. Thank you for all of your prayers! :)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
4th Day on Campus
Next we went to the Joyful lunch period at the University. It is a time where we got to share fellowship with fellow Christians on the campus by having lunch with them. This was really cool because I got to talk with other Christians from Japan which I haven't been able to do.
Friday, May 29, 2009
3rd Day on Campus
So on Thursday I went to Hitotsubashi again and had a really good time. I ended up eating lunch with Yuuta, who I had met the day previous. I was with Gen and Yuuta seemed to be having a good time. He was teaching me how to use chop sticks and even gave me a piece of his tofu. Later on Soshi ended up joining us so I thought that was really cool because I had been praying earlier that I would meet them again so that I would be able to get their contact information. So this time I was able to talk to them more and was even ble to get their emails this time. Soshi even wanted to hang out later so I thought this could be a really great opportunity to share the Gospel with him.
Later on I went with Kylan again. He wanted to talk to this guy who was smoking but I didn't really want to talk to him because he was smoking and I don't really like talking to people while they are smoking. But we ended up going anyway and found out that this fourth year was a Christian. Saying that less than 1% of Japanese people claim that they are Christain I found this really encouraging. We told him about Student Impact, the Christian Ministry here in Japan, and prayed for him. I felt like he was really encouraged by how we prayed for him and that really changed the whole feeling of the conversation. He seemed to be much more interested in meeting another day and we were able to get his email. I was really encouraged this day and was really thankful for how God can provide. :)
Later on I went with Kylan again. He wanted to talk to this guy who was smoking but I didn't really want to talk to him because he was smoking and I don't really like talking to people while they are smoking. But we ended up going anyway and found out that this fourth year was a Christian. Saying that less than 1% of Japanese people claim that they are Christain I found this really encouraging. We told him about Student Impact, the Christian Ministry here in Japan, and prayed for him. I felt like he was really encouraged by how we prayed for him and that really changed the whole feeling of the conversation. He seemed to be much more interested in meeting another day and we were able to get his email. I was really encouraged this day and was really thankful for how God can provide. :)
2nd Day on Campus
Alright so this was my second day on campus and I went to the same university I went to the day before. Hitotsubashi or something like that... haha. Anyway, wednesday I ended up starting up in the cafeteria. I saw someone who was sitting by themselves who looked my age. I was looking for another 18 year old because the day previous to that I met only fourth years and I wanted to talk to someone my age since I thought we would have more to talk about. So when I went up to the guy and asked if I could sit with him I found out that he was indeed 18 years old. haha. So me and Andrew, who also goes to USC were talking to this guy and he seemed to be really interested in talking to us. We were talking for about 40 min and then he had to leave because he had a meeting to attend. He couldn't understand us totally but we were able to keep a decent conversation. When I asked if he wanted to give us an email so we could meet again he said he didn't have an email so I ended up giving him mine. Hopefully he will end up emailing me back and he's interested in talking with Andrew and I.
So later Andrew and I met up with Jeremy who ate lunch with the whole Lacrosse Team and was going to practice with them around 2pm. So Andrew and I decided to tag along. At 2pm all three of us met up with about 5 lacrosse players and we walked to an area off of campus. On the way there I was talking to two freshmen who were named Soshi and Yuuta. They were pretty fun to talk to and Soshi was able to speak English pretty well. When we arrived we saw that there were about 20 other lacrosse players on the field and they were really impressed that Jeremy had played Lacrosse, the goalie position, for 12 years I think. So he ended up playing the goalie while all of the other 20 lacrosse players were trying to make a goal. Andrew and I ended up talking to the 4 people who were on the female lacrosse team and found someone who spoke really good English. She had studied in America for three years so that was really fun talking. I met some of the other guys too but I don't remember the conversations... So I thought this was a really great day because I wanted to meet people my age and ended up meeting one guy at lunch and a whole lacrosse team that was my age.
So later Andrew and I met up with Jeremy who ate lunch with the whole Lacrosse Team and was going to practice with them around 2pm. So Andrew and I decided to tag along. At 2pm all three of us met up with about 5 lacrosse players and we walked to an area off of campus. On the way there I was talking to two freshmen who were named Soshi and Yuuta. They were pretty fun to talk to and Soshi was able to speak English pretty well. When we arrived we saw that there were about 20 other lacrosse players on the field and they were really impressed that Jeremy had played Lacrosse, the goalie position, for 12 years I think. So he ended up playing the goalie while all of the other 20 lacrosse players were trying to make a goal. Andrew and I ended up talking to the 4 people who were on the female lacrosse team and found someone who spoke really good English. She had studied in America for three years so that was really fun talking. I met some of the other guys too but I don't remember the conversations... So I thought this was a really great day because I wanted to meet people my age and ended up meeting one guy at lunch and a whole lacrosse team that was my age.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
1st Day on Campus
So Tuesday was our first day going to our designated campuses. My team of 7 went to Hitotsubashi and the other team of 8 went to International Christian University (Just because they go to this school does not make them christian.) So it took about 40 min to arrive their by train I think. Everybody in Tokyo uses the train to go from one place to another in Tokyo. Tokyo is really big and I haven't even left Tokyo since I've arrived in Tokyo 5 days ago. Anyway, I went out with my friend Kylan as we split up into groups of about two. Kylan had actually gone to this school a year ago when he did study abroad for UC Berkeley. We started out at the dining hall where Kylan saw someone that he had met before. The two were talking for about 30-45 min. This was a really cool experience as this was my first real interaction with a Japanese college student.
After this conversation we went back inside the dining hall because I was still hungry and wanted to eat more chicken. So we both went inside and I got more chicken but instead of rice I got french fries! :) I went up the cash register and put down my notebook to get out all of my japanese coins. When I finally found enough yen (Japanese money), I went over to get some water. It was at this point that a Japanese student came up to me and handed me my notebook as a I had left it at the cash register. I then responded with the correct response, Arigato Gozimasu. (That means "thank you" in Japanese... haha) So Kylan said that we should go sit with him so that's exactly what we did. At first, talking to Tomita Kouhei wasn't going so well because he couldn't understand everything I was saying but then Kylan ended up translating which was really cool. (Kylan studied Japanese at UC Berkeley). Kylan was able to tell him about the Christian Ministry that we are working with in Tokyo and why we pray before our meal. He said that he gives thanks for his food before he eats because the food, such as chicken, use to be an animal. This was a really cool opportunity to tell him why we pray and who we pray to. Also, while talking to him I realized I had many similarities with Tomita Kouhei. We were both from small towns of about the same population, we both travel about 6 hours to go to our University, we both use the train to get back home, we both like to run, we both like to run around the track, and we have both wanted to run in a marathon in the city we attend college but never got the chance. So I thought this was really cool so I asked if he would ever like to go running with me around the track. He said yes and gave me his email. I'm really excited to meet him again next week if it's possible!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
In Tokyo
Hey Everybody,
So I arrived in Tokyo about three days ago and it's just been an amazing experience. This is my first time overseas and it was a really cool experience just going on a plane ride for about eleven hours I think. I was able to watch two Japanese movies with English Subtitles so I would able to learn about the Japanese culture. After we arrived in Japan it was pretty hot. Well I guess it wasn't that hot but it just felt hot because it was humid. Yeah so I slept pretty early that day as I was up for practically twenty-four hours. Yeah I know, that's really unlike me. And the next day I spent most of my time exploring and getting to know the three people I will be living with for the next five weeks. That was a really great day just to see the area I'm living around and just explore the Japanese culture.
The next day, Monday, my team and I got to meet up with the ministry in Japan called Student Impact. It was great meeting them and just being able to see how excited they were that all seventeen of us were here. I also got to meet some people that are in ministry here that are originally from Taiwan. So I got to speak some Chinese with them which was a really cool experience as I know about fifteen phrases! Ni Hao! (that's how you say Hello) I also got to do a scavenger hunt yesturday. The scavenger hunt took place in Shibuya, which is basically the New York of Tokyo in my opinion. That was really fun and I even got to eat some octopus. So that was really cool because I was chewing for it for about 45 minutes.
That was really chewy! And Today was great but I'm going to write about it later because I'm really tired! haha! See ya! Kinda... haha. I will also add pictures soon. Maybe tomorrow. haha!
So I arrived in Tokyo about three days ago and it's just been an amazing experience. This is my first time overseas and it was a really cool experience just going on a plane ride for about eleven hours I think. I was able to watch two Japanese movies with English Subtitles so I would able to learn about the Japanese culture. After we arrived in Japan it was pretty hot. Well I guess it wasn't that hot but it just felt hot because it was humid. Yeah so I slept pretty early that day as I was up for practically twenty-four hours. Yeah I know, that's really unlike me. And the next day I spent most of my time exploring and getting to know the three people I will be living with for the next five weeks. That was a really great day just to see the area I'm living around and just explore the Japanese culture.
The next day, Monday, my team and I got to meet up with the ministry in Japan called Student Impact. It was great meeting them and just being able to see how excited they were that all seventeen of us were here. I also got to meet some people that are in ministry here that are originally from Taiwan. So I got to speak some Chinese with them which was a really cool experience as I know about fifteen phrases! Ni Hao! (that's how you say Hello) I also got to do a scavenger hunt yesturday. The scavenger hunt took place in Shibuya, which is basically the New York of Tokyo in my opinion. That was really fun and I even got to eat some octopus. So that was really cool because I was chewing for it for about 45 minutes.
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